Monday, September 12, 2011

Health and Fitness Resolutions: Do They Work? | Rami Magazine

Health and Fitness Resolutions: Do They Work?

Article by Jeff Dousharm

The answer is NO. Resolutions don?t least not by themselves..but people sometimes make them work IF they choose to!

This is not to be negative, this is the harsh truth. To be successful, goal setting needs to be a habit, not a once a year thing. Too often people think New Year?s Resolutions have some type of super powers that and somehow the resolution fairy waives a wand and magically makes things happen.

So what does it take to make New Year?s Resolutions a reality? Just as with any goal setting we have to decide what we want, then project with our mind?s eye where exactly we will be when we reach this goal and look back on all the things that it took to get there. This lays out all of the smaller goals that we would need to accomplish along the way to our main goal. At times, people set a great goal, but then feel overwhelmed by the size or complexity of it. By breaking things down to smaller more manageable goals we can have small victories that lead to bigger ones that lead to the success of the entire resolution!

Another bonus if you want to have great success of reaching your goals is to SHARE them with many people. Some feel you should keep goals secret..and maybe some you should, but when we share others it brings in powerful elements. First when we share it gives us the opportunity for others to actually HELP us achieve our goals. Second, when we tell others we are going to do something, most of us have an ego that doesn?t want to be embarrassed by not doing what we this is extra motivation to keep going and achieving our goals!

Now what about fitness? Many New Year?s Resolutions are fitness related. They are also the ones who usually fail or get derailed by about February. This is unfortunate, because in today?s society, obesity is skyrocketing and overall wellness is crashing and burning. The questions is then, ?why do these resolutions have such a high rate of failure?? The following are common causes:

* Lack of motivation
* People go overboard when they first start and end up in too much pain
* Using stupid gadgets, celebrity endorsed diets, or magic pills they see on late night TV that promise them rock hard bodies with almost no effort
* Lack of understanding of nutrition (at least half of your fitness is what you eat!)
* Boredom through monotonous activities
* No social interaction
* Lack of results
* Unreasonable expectations as to the speed of results

So the trick is to find activities that give REAL results, engage people in a social environment, keep you motivated, educate you on nutrition fundamentals and are based on sound exercise science. There are several options that can make this happen and everyone is different so their choices and results will vary as well.

Both children and adults are finding that some great options include martial arts programs, kickboxing, or yoga classes. Look at the major fitness themed programs such as The Biggest Loser and other competitive shows and you will find that martial arts moves, bag work, and yoga themed training are a very popular and effective segments of their overall training. Though some find that a gym is great, the fact is that most people get burned out or are intimidated by their local gyms. Statistics show that more people are going to professional and specialized training facilities that have a greater emphasis on personalized interaction.

Currently some of the competitors on the MTV challenge shows are even training at Martial Arts Academies to toughen themselves up and get in great shape for competition. One great example is Camila Nakagawa who is currently training in Lincoln, NE.

Taking some form of Martial Arts Classes might give you the structure you need to keep your Health and Fitness Resolutions that you make for 2011

Jeff Dousharm is the owner of numerous Tiger Rock Academy Martial Arts locations in the Midwest and is on the national board of directors for the organization. Jeff is one of the leaders in the Health and Fitness Industry, utilizing different forms of martial arts (Jiu Jitsu and Taekwondo among others) and yoga. He is also an expert in Taekwondo. Mr. Dousharm?s centers also help children and teenagers with a myriad of self-esteem issues to become more confident and, more productive. To learn more about Jeff Dousharm, go to Tiger Rock Academy

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