Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pony Slavery



Well, It's finally happened.

The Fires of war have engulfed Earth, and the ponies were now lost in this godforsaken land. That is, until they were found.

By a small town of humans, with a protective wall to keep out the bandits of this new world...

Humans that have taken them for use as actual horses, at first not seeing their speech abilities. When they were noticed, it at first made discrimination a huge possibility, but the ponies and humans were able to help each other out. The real problems came around when the ponies could turn?HUMAN?!

I do not lie. In fact, this is how they survived so long rather than be turned into the month's rations: Princess Celestia was the first to go, actually.

One of the head officers of the village's militia was about to oversee the destruction of a few of them, Celestia and the youngest of them, when the princess suddenly took on a new body and figure, pleading for the safety of her people, and forced to become this officer's Wife/Concubine sort of deal, stripped of her rank and now a simple housewife.

The rest must support the pleading of Celestia by doing their part in helping the work around town, all while trying to fight for their rights. And the new feelings they gain while being human women, and switching to pack mules, warhorses, and possibly worse, with the constant threat of the Thugs beyond the gates constantly attacking people and towns.

Will They fight battles? preach peace? clean toilets? help grow food? make deliveries??become permanent humans??

It's all up to you.



CANONS: (these are the listed canons currently taken. I will put names on the list as people join and request the characters.)


Character Sheet Requirements:

Species (Human, Pony, you get the idea)


Theme Song


redskins herman cain the shining aaron rodgers oyster festival oyster festival hopkins

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