Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stress Management For Guernsey People - Personal Trainer Guernsey

Apparently 28% of Guernsey people are big time stressed. Not good for the health and fitness obviously, so let?s sort it out.

I think they got this wrong anyway because from the looks on people?s faces driving down the Grange at 0830 on a weekday I think it?s more like 82%.

Whoever did the survey must have been asking the rare few who actually take a lunch hour and get some sun so some of them were at that moment relatively happy.

The rest ?couldn?t stop? because they ?had to get somewhere? and the others were still glued to their desk stressing about someone else?s money.

We live on an island with no VAT, a 30 minute journey to work (on a bad day), everything we need for fun, health and happiness within a few minutes and some of the best food, air and water on populated earth.


Something?s gone tits up.

I?ve dealt with lawyers, accountants, business owners, millionaires, Mums, Dads, GP?s, athletes, the elderly, young kids and I strongly believe there are just TWO things you need to live a happy life. There?s no point trying to be stress free. Trying to do that is one of the most stressful things. Trust me I?ve tried it. Nearly killed me.

The two things are pretty big things but they are just two things and the best thing is they cost JACK SH*T.

Golden Stress Management Rule 1

Believe in something.

This might be your kids, your business or your sport.

If you truly believe in something you will find it much easier to get through stressful times.

Too simple and easy to say?

Think about it.

Stress is largely a negative reaction to something you believe is about to happen in the future.

?What if I have loads to do ? that?s not in the future.?

Well it is actually.

You?re stressing because you feel you MUST get all the jobs done by a certain time. You?re worried about what might happen if you don?t.

Often if they didn?t get done, BANG on time, no one would really notice. Your world wouldn?t fall apart.

?But what about all the stuff I get given at work??

Well this is where it gets interesting and requires a mindset shift.

The reason for many is that they don?t believe in what you as a job because it probably doesn?t change many lives, you don?t enjoy doing it and you detest everything to do with it. You?re only in it for the money.

You have to pay the bills but you?re only as good at your job as your happiness so as that dwindles something will give anyway.

I get pressured by having to do lots of stuff sometimes in my own business but because I believe in what I am achieving for the hundreds of people I work with, it doesn?t stress me out. It?s just part of my Big Idea in life.

When you have no Big Idea and don?t believe in anything, you have nothing to guide you and to keep reminding you that actually everything is still okay.

If you?re a football fan, you will know that Manchester United have a habit of making late comebacks and scoring in the last 5 minutes. Flukes don?t happen that regularly. They are able to do this because until the final whistle blows, they EVERY confidence in what they are doing and that they DESERVE to achieve it.

Do you have that level of desire and commitment to your job?

So what should you believe in?

How the hell do I know?!

I don?t know what makes you tick, I don?t know what you love to do, I don?t know what puts a smile on your face or makes you think ?I could do this for the next 20 years and STILL love it then?.

What I do know is that it MUST involve other people. Loneliness is one of the biggest sources of stress EVER.

I often get asked how I built the Guernsey Fitness Camp so fast. Well, other than good marketing at first, it largely comes down to giving people something to believe in and surrounding them with other people that feel the same. And I give them cool stuff that pulls them together so they feel part of it. So they feel they always have someone to fall back on a team to go to when life throws them a curveball in the form of a sh*t day!

You would not believe how much interest this t-shirt has got from our fitness camp members.

jon le tocqWhy?

I can?t tell you. The first rule of Fight Club is?.you don?t talk about Fight Club. You need to be ?in with us? to understand. You don?t believe in ?prowler? yet so it won?t do anything for you.

COLLECTIVE belief is the single, most powerful force on the planet. It?s why religions become so popular.

When you share that collective belief with others, it becomes much easier to manage stress because you can see the crap times as a blip on the horizon of a much bigger, much more rewarding picture.

It enables you to discover Golden Stress Management Rule 2?


What does a raisin taste like?

Yeah just one normal raisin?

If I gave you 20 raisins right now, what would you do?

Probably knock them all back in one handful.

What would happen if you took that raisin, looked at it, chewed it, licked it, then nibbled it and figured out what the hell a raisin tastes like?

1) You might get put in a mental asylum.

2) You might actually switch off from all the other sh*t in your life and enjoy that one moment. Just you and your raisin.

How often do you do that?

How many moments in your day, DON?T involve mulling over what you SHOULD have done or worrying about what MIGHT happen?

How many moments in your day AREN?T just habits being repeated.

I just started giving my fitness campers these bands to help them stay mindful when they are about to do what their habits make them do like reaching for a bagel at 10.30.

storm force fitness

You?re never really anywhere!

You?re either back there, or way out in front in two time warps. One will never exist again and the other is likely to change dramatically by the time you get there so there?s not much point worrying about it.

It?s CRITICAL to have goals in life and BELIEVE IN SOMETHING but also understand that the chances are something else is going to happen before then anyway making you change direction.

One of the best ways to reduce your stress and watch your health improve is to just switch off and enjoy the moment at times.

?Yeah easy for you to say. You get to do a cool job, outside a lot of the time and change hundreds of lives.?

1) Yes.

2) I MADE it that way when the lure of the well-paid office was enticing me.

3) It?s easy for you to do as well

?Okay how do I just ?be? in the moment?

It?s simple, just not very easy because your brain is used to running wild and will keep drifting at first.

What is the one thing that is always right here, right with you at any moment in time?

Here?s a clue.

hot yoga

No it?s not a sexy chick in hot pants.

It?s your breath.

Your breath, for a many years anyway, is ALWAYS with you.

Learning to focus on your breath for just 5 minutes, 3 times per day can do wonders for your stress levels.

Here?s what you do.

Sit somewhere quiet 3 times a day and do the following:

You can get up 5 minutes earlier and do it in your lounge or outside if you can.

Do 5 minutes at lunch.

Do 5 minutes as soon as you get in the door in the evening and have the heat of the day?s work and traffic on your mind.

You can do that for me right?

All you do is breathe in through your nose trying to ?rake? the breath down the back of your throat, into your stomach where it fills your belly up like a balloon.

Then breathe out releasing it down the same route it came in, taking as long as you can to release all the air.

Repeat for 5 minutes.

Listen to your breath go in and out, feel it go in and out and check you?re breathing into your stomach not your chest.

That?s it.

Everything else in life will ebb and flow, appear and vanish except your breath. When you no longer have your breath you certainly won?t give a toss about the guy who used to give you more paperwork to do every Tuesday morning?

Do this every day for 4 weeks and see how you feel.

You should look to build the breathing time up but this will give you a good start!

I suspect we can get the 28% of Guernsey people with chronic stress down quite a bit.

But then again, they?re probably too busy to read this?


midway vanessa minnillo e. coli denise richards dmt ar gettysburg

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