Friday, March 9, 2012

Social Work ? Domestic Violence


Domestic ViolenceThis article aims to approach the issue of social assist of the families experiencing domestic violence ? more specifically, conjugal violence or violence against children. Violence is a common reality in the family environment with negative consequences on the individuals, families and on social level. Moreover, it is a difficult problem to approach by the social workers in the context in which most people (either the aggressor or the victim) refuse help up until the critical moments or show disbelief in the possibility of change. Domestic violence is regarded by people as an intimate problem, which has to be omitted or resolved in private, without the intervention of outside specialists.

Domestic violence is all the more serious as the social institution (the family) has an essential role in maintaining the individual and social balance of the members. Even though many talk about an actual crisis of the modern family, also this form of organization is responsible for regulating the reproduction models ? through the family is perpetuated a certain conception about reproduction, marriage, divorce and more importantly, with the growth and socialization of children. In the family, the future members of the society assimilate the values ??promoted by society ? or should ? in order to be able to integrate, and also in the family any person finds ?or should- solidarity and psychological and emotional support. This aspect is essential for the harmonious development of the individual and in maintaining its internal equilibrium, because every person needs affection and protection and a sense of belonging to a particular group.

Moreover, the family doesn?t fulfill only the child?s social function, also having an essential role in its protection; the parental care is one of the institutions for the protection of minors. The notion of parental care refers to the rights and duties of parents to minor children (Title III, Chapter I, Section I of the Family Code) and designate all the rights and obligations granted by law to parents in order to ensure the growth and education of minor children. In art. 2 of the Family Code it is shown that the family relationships are based on friendship and mutual affection between its members, who are obliged to support each other (morally and financially). But the inefficiency of this institution is evident in the case of the discussed issue: if we talk about domestic violence, we can?t talk anymore about friendship and mutual affection. Even if there isn?t any type of child abuse, but between the married couple, his education and protection will obviously have deficiencies.

Domestic ViolenceRecently people have been talking about the existence of a family crisis which would explain the ruptures and dissolutions within it. This crisis affects both the conjugal and marital microsystem, as well as the parental and filial one, with strong repercussions on the stability and family functions ? affecting the economic function, as well as the reproductive and educational functions.

In the studies of some Romanian authors it is signaled a worrying increase in domestic violence, the multiplication of the conflicts within the couples, between generations, a large number of divorces, reversal of the social roles of the family members. Another sign of this crisis would be a growth regarding the phenomenon of child abandonment.

All these phenomena are indeed worrisome and that?s why it?s so important to have specialized and trained people ? social workers ? to be able to intervene successfully in solving family problems. Unfortunately, in many countries (such as Romania), a social worker earns very little (about $ 700), so the motivation to choose this profession is low.

Being the space of the most important emotional relationships, the family is the most active center for aggression manifestation. Researches on this issue have shown that domestic violence is a response to certain conditions of life: poverty, lack of power, promoting violence in the media, the ideology of male domination in the family. There have been developed various explanatory models of the family violence, including psychiatric model ? which explains that domestic violence is caused by emotional and mental disorders (caused by a combination of physiological data and a deficient socialization), along with alcohol or drugs abuse.

Another explanatory model says that the individual who can?t fulfill his expectations on a personal level (emotional or professional) and who experiences the existence of economic and social pressures of the community (poverty, unemployment) is prone to violence. Finally, the patriarchal model shows that the man is the head of the family, the aggressive behavior being common. The recourse to domestic violence is caused by inequality of power, men having more physical and financial strength than their wives, but also by the private and closed character of the family who retains the victims from seeking help from outside.

Domestic ViolenceThe relationships between the members of the families are defined by the principle of imposing the will through violence. It is the way in which some of the members of that family assert their authority over others and manifest their dissatisfaction in some way or another. What is worse is that by following this kind of traditional idea, to violence is granted the status of correct method in children?s education, making violence not only to be used, but tolerated by possible witnesses.

The numerous cases of domestic violence and its consequences force people to take some decisions to support the families with such problems and create a balanced social climate.

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Tags: balance, children, conjugal violence, crisis, Domestic violence, family, hurt, members, phenomena, protection, social assist, social workers, specialists, violence, wives


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